Answered By: Dr. Wendy S. Wilmoth
Last Updated: Aug 27, 2019     Views: 53

In order to write a good persuasive essay, it helps to have a clear understanding of what it is. For a clear definition of a persuasive essay click here  As mentioned in the description of a persuasive essay, choose a topic that you care about to discuss in your essay. You can get suggestions for topics from Facts on File Issues and Controversies, available through the LRC's website.  To get the login, send us a text message with your 900 number at 404-800-1811. 

 You can also use the Credo  Reference database in Galileo. To access Galileo off campus, log in to Blackboard anc click the Galileo link on the left side of your dashboard.  A special feature in the Credo database is the mind map. This allows you to break down a large topic into specific areas. If you click on any subject listed on the Background Information to start your research, a topic page for the subject will appear. Each topic page has a mind map which will allow you to find more specific terms to help narrow your research  Click on each topic in the map to expand or limit your research options.

Need more help? Stop by yor campus LRC, call us at 404-297-9522, ext. 1850 or send us a text message at 404-800-1811!