Answered By: Dr. Wendy S. Wilmoth
Last Updated: Oct 22, 2019     Views: 30

You can find useful information on gun control in Galileo and Issues and Controversies. 

Galileo can be accessed from the library home page at . To access Galileo off campus, just log in to Blackboard and click the Galileo link on the left side of your dashboard. On the webpage, in the find it section, click on the find articles tab. This will bring up the Galileo database. In the enter search terms box, enter the phrase “gun control.” Using quotation marks around the search terms will ensure that the topic is searched as a phrase rather than as individual words. Click on the magnifying glass to retrieve search results. Search results should be limited by using the refine results column on the left. Limiting the results to full text will provide the complete text of an article. The format of information can also be limited based on type of resource. Popular ways to limit results are to limit to magazines or academic journals to get articles rather than complete books. Each result will contain a brief summary of the article. Click on pdf full text to retrieve a printable copy of the article.

Issues and Controversies is a special database in Galileo where you can find detailed pro/con information. Just click "Databases A-Z" and search for  ssues and Controversies!

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