Answered By: Karen Douglas
Last Updated: Aug 27, 2019     Views: 22

You can find articles on religious freedom by searching in Galileo. To access Galileo off campus, just log in to Blackboard and click the Galileo link on the left side of your dashboard.

 To make sure you get all relevant articles you should search both “religious freedom” and the more commonly used term, “freedom of religion.” To search both terms at once, you would enter “religious freedom” OR “freedom of religion” in the search box. To limit your results to religious freedom in the United States, your search would be “religious freedom” OR “freedom of religion” AND “United States.” Using quotations around the words allows them to be searched as a phrase and not as individual words, which will make your search results more exact. When your search results appear, use the column on the left, refine results, to further limit your search results. Always limit your results to full text so that your results will only contain complete articles.


Print and electronic books can be found in the library catalog Primo. You can use the same search terms for books that you used for the articles. You can also limit your search to print books and/or electronic books by using the column on the left of your search results.


Finally, always feel free to contact us personally. You can send a text message to 404-800-1811 and we'll answer it as soon as we can. You can also call us at 404-297-9522, ext 1850 and talk to us. Of course we're always happy to help our students in person, so come on in to one of our three Learning Resource Centers!