Answered By: Karen Douglas
Last Updated: Aug 27, 2019     Views: 15

Information on William Shakespeare can be found in both the library catalog, Primo and in Galileo databases.  In Primo, enter Shakespeare, William, for books by William Shakespeare, including all of his plays. For information about Shakespeare and criticism of his works, enter Shakespeare, William criticism.  You can use the refine my results column on the left to limit the search to print or online books.

Galileo has several databases devoted completely to literature. Literature Online is an example. You can find everything you need to know about Shakespeare in this database including full text copies of all of his plays, information about his life, criticism of his works and study guides to help you understand his plays.

To access Galileo off campus, just log in to Blackboard and click the Galileo link on the left side of your dashboard.

Once inside Galileo, click on Databases A-Z , enter the name of the database, Literature Online, in the search box and click find database. Click on the database title to enter. When you enter the database, type Shakespeare, William in the search box. Click on his name to enter his author page, which will direct you to all the information you need on Shakespeare.

Finally, always feel free to contact us personally. You can send a text message to 404-800-1811 and we'll answer it as soon as we can. You can also call us at 404-297-9522, ext 1850 and talk to us. Of course we're always happy to help our students in person, so come on in to one of our three Learning Resource Centers!